Monday, September 7, 2009

You know you're a serious couple when.... create a blog together. :-) The months have flown by like a brilliant's been a whirlwind of activity...and we'll try to keep you all updated with our blogs (I'll be doing most of the blogging, not Matt :-) !! )

Here's 2009 (the best year of our lives) in review: We welcomed the New Year in Clearwater, Florida with great friends at an awesome party on Clearwater Beach. We spent New Year's Day at the Outback Bowl watching the Gamecocks "play." (We lost horribly, but hey, it was a fun day!)

I showed Matt around Las Vegas over Spring Break, and we both lived it up in Sin City with our good friends, John and Tina. After a quick trip to the Grand Canyon, we headed back to SC only to head straight to the beach--Hilton Head--with our best friend, Della.

Matt turned the big 3-0 with a BANG! He was VERY surprised at his party I secretly schemed up. (He almost broke his butt and concussed himself, but that's another story!)
We celebrated July 4th in Key West with John and Tina. It was an AWESOME trip, and we almost stayed forever! Parasailing was amazing, too (even though Matt didn't want to go at all)!!!
Sadly, we had to come home after nearly 2 weeks in Florida, BUT we were moving into our new townhome that very, it wasn't all bad.

The move wasn't fun, but finally we got settled in. It's more comfortable than any place I've ever lived....and that says A LOT! (It's more the fact that it's my soulmate that's my roommate than anything else....)

August brought us to New York for a friend's wedding. We flew into NYC, and spent Thursday and Friday discovering the city that never sleeps (it really doesn't!). We had possibly the best dinner date in the history of dinner dates....just like the movies! :-)
The wedding in Tarrytown was amazing.....also just like the movies....fairytale stuff here.
Dancing with Matt's mom and sister (as well as taking family photos in a booth meant for only 2 people) was a blast!

Visiting Matt's hometown, Wilson, was also MUCH better than the first visit.....I wasn't buried in snow this time!! Hanging out in his old stomping grounds with friends and family was wonderful. Wilson is a beautiful place....when it's not zero degrees outside with snow up to your chin!
Finally, school started and the routine began again.....sadly.
We look forward to the remainder of 2009.....and who knows what it'll bring!

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