Sunday, October 31, 2010

Mountain Trip 2010

We visited Grandfather Mountain and Blowing Rock. Molson didn't really enjoy the 2+ hour drive there....and then 2+ hours back home, but he did enjoy the mountains!
He was VERY scared of the mile-high swinging bridge!! (So was Matt!)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Lake time

We visited the lake Sunday on a beautiful Fall day. It was Molson's first trip to the lake. He really enjoyed it!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Surgery Update

Just a quick update. I developed an infection from the surgery. The OB-GYN said that they had to go so deep to remove the entire cyst and Bartholin gland, that infection was pretty likely. I've battled a fever of 100 or more since Monday, and I'm really just exhausted. I'm not as sore, but I have to walk slowly and sit carefully. I carried a pillow to the cafeteria today! The kids really didn't understand why I was doing that, and then they wanted to do it, too! The benches are very hard! Probably shouldn't have worked today, but they don't hand out sick days like gum around here.
I visited the doctor today, and she said to continue pain pills as needed and prescribed me 2 new antibiotics. She seemed optimistic that it would all clear up within the next few days. I have a follow-up next Friday, and another in 2 weeks.
I'm really hoping the infection goes away. My life has GOT to get back to normal, or some semblance of normal SOON.

Thanks goes out to the best nurse in the world, my awesome hubby, Matt! Love you!

Friday, October 8, 2010


A couple of years ago, I noticed that something had "popped" up. My brain immediately spins and wonders "do I have cancer?" " am I gonna die?!" It was just a Bartholin cyst. Something a lot of women get over their lifetime. I went to my OB-GYN and had it looked at. She treated it with antibiotics, but the stubborn thing didn't go away. So, I went back and had it drained. Ouch! Again, a few weeks later, the stubborn thing came back! Frustrated, I went back and had it drained again. This time, it went away for about a month and returned again. Now, I realize I'm stubborn....but goodness! This thing was worse than me! (Unimaginable, right?)

So, I tried to forget it was even there. It wasn't hurting me, so I ignored it. Months went by and it actually almost became a normality. It was just there. Hanging' out. I was dealing with my mom's illness and death so I honestly just put it on the backburner for a while. Eventually, things in my life settled down, and the conversations between Matt and I led to when we wanted to start a family together. I knew that I needed to talk with my OB-GYN about the cyst and having it surgically removed so the stubborn thing couldn't come back.

I went in September to discuss it and set up surgery. She informed me I'd be out of work for several days and that I'd be in SEVERE pain. I blew it off and was like, "oh, pain's fine....just get it off me!"

Last night, before my surgery this morning, I was laying in bed letting my mind wander. I had been in a bad mood all afternoon and evening. I couldn't figure out why. Then it hit me. I really needed my mom. I needed to hear her reassure me that I'd do fine and everything was going to be ok. I'd heard this from nearly every friend or family member I'd talked about the surgery with, but it just isn't the same. There are times where only MOM will do. I broke down and was sobbing.....Matt just hugged me. He didn't speak or ask what was wrong. He didn't have to because he knew. That's where I feel I'm the luckiest girl in the world. God took my mother from me, but in return he gave me the best thing that has ever happened to me. I count my blessings every day.

This morning, as we got up at 4:30, I was nervous. I didn't know how I'd react to the anesthesia or how much pain I'd be in. I was scared. I closed my eyes and thought about what my mom would say, because she would've made me call her on the way to the doubt. As we drove up, most of my fears were gone. I just wanted to get it over with.

Several hours later, I was in recovery all hocked up on anesthesia and morphine with Matt by my side. The doctor said I did well, and that I'll need to take it easy for several days.

I am so fortunate to have such caring friends and family. I also am extremely fortunate to have Matt as my husband. He's the best nurse ever!