Saturday, September 19, 2009

Mom update...not looking so good

So, Matt and I came to Spartanburg this weekend to 1) see my family and 2) celebrate my birthday a little early with them. I left my mom last Saturday after returning from our 1st trip to MUSC for her appointment with the liver transplant doctor. For the last couple of months, she's seemed a little sluggish and really just not herself. Nothing major, just a "slower" version of herself.

Fast forward to Friday--1 week after her initial appointment with MUSC. Matt and I arrive around 7:30 and bring her dinner. She welcomed us in, and she seemed to be moving very slowly. We noticed that she was saying really weird things and complaining that she couldn't get her TV to work. So, Matt went over and fixed the TV for her--which really wasn't broken, she just didn't know how to turn it on....seriously.

As the night progressed, she told us how she slept until after 11 that morning, and how tired she was still. She was supposed to make an appointment for liver biopsy and echocardiogram with MUSC earlier that day. I asked her if she did, and she said she couldn't remember. So, I looked on the phone and, sure enough, MUSC was on there. They called at 10:54 a.m. I tried to jog her memory, but she still just couldn't remember talking to them. Matt and I were looking at each other with puzzled expressions. She also told us that she'd fallen the Sunday before. She tripped over the rug in the living room--which even I've done--and fell on the floor. After I asked a few more questions, she then changed her story and said she fell in the bed.

A little later, Matt decided it was time for bed, and he went upstairs. I stayed down and observed her getting ready for bed. She took about 40 minutes to do what should take no more than 10.

I'm really worried about her safety because she lives alone. This is really hard because I live so far away, and can't come on a daily basis to visit her. I do have plenty of people that can check in on her--my brother, my aunt, and other family members--since our family lives close to her for the most part.

It really upset me to see how quickly this has progressed. Her condition, in just one week, went downhill very quickly. I know that the build-up of fluids in her body, and possibly her medication, has caused this. It's just not my mom. We're hoping her next appointment will be very soon so she can get on the list for a new liver and we can get our mom back. I just don't know how people watch their loved ones fall apart without falling apart themselves.

Please keep us in your prayers.


  1. Praying for your mom. Did you get in touch with her doctor about how she was acting?? Could it be her meds?? My husband said it sounds like she had a stroke.

  2. It's the fluid build up from her liver and her meds.
