Friday, November 26, 2010

100 things I'm thankful for....2010 edition

So, I've seen a lot of friends post their 100 or 50 things they're thankful for. I thought I'd give it a go.

100 things I'm thankful for:
1. The revival service I attended at 16 where I chose to let Christ into my heart....and just a few months later was baptized.
2. My amazing husband, Matt. He is my best friend. He's more than I ever imagined a husband and best friend could be. He's the only person that I can't stay mad at....that says a lot! :)He's my prince charming.
3. The 27 years I had with my mom. She was my best friend and helped me through some really hard times. She was the strongest woman I've ever known. Her life was cut short,but I learned so much from her. I'm just thankful I can call her Mom. She taught me everything I'll need to know when I become a day....
4. My family. They are crazy, but they are blood! :) I love them dearly. Matt's family also fits into this one. I have GREAT in-laws! They feel like blood-family!
5. My high-energy, always going puppy, Molson. He loves unconditionally and keeps us laughing....and chasing after him. Like this morning when he found my bra and ran around the bedroom (and under the bed) with it in his mouth! :)
6. My best friend, Della. She's helped me through some hard times. Although she's in Virginia now and it's harder to see each other, she's still my bestest!
7. My job as a teacher. I love touching the lives of those 5 and 6 year olds. I love watching them grow as learners and as children. There are few jobs more rewarding.
8. My house. It's perfect for us. It's low-maintenance and so charming. We can't wait to begin our family in it. :)
9. My health. the last few months haven't been the best...but I recovered! I'm thankful for a body that can recover.
10. My runs. It gets me from point A to point B.
11. My assistant, Ria. She's the best! She brings new ideas to the classroom, has a ton of patience with the kiddos, and (best of all) she brings in treats she's cooked a lot!
12. Our roommate, Ashley. She's great with Molson, and she's fun to hang out with! She also cooks, and helps us save money by living with us! :)
13. Running. When I can actually make time for it, I really enjoy it. It's "my time."
14. My iPod....which makes #13 much more enjoyable.
15. Key West.....where I married the love of my life.
16. Any beach. Seriously! I love the beach!
17. Charleston--for many reasons--but mostly because it's an AWESOME city.
18. My boots. I have like 12 pairs of boots! Love them!
19. My Chi. It helps me have not-so-crazy-woman-hair.
20. A TV in the kitchen. It's awesome to have as I'm cooking dinner or getting ready in the morning.
21. My mom's cooking abilities. I LOVE to cook and bake. I'm so fortunate to have inherited her ability to cook/bake. I enjoy making dinner for my family and serving them a dessert.
22. My camera. I love taking photos!
23. XM keeps me sane on road trips!
24. Facebook. I love that I can reconnect with people, and keep in touch with Mark, Dali, and Emilia in Germany.
25. Gamecock football--finally SEC East Champs! :) Enough said.
26. Gamecock baseball--NATIONAL CHAMPS!
27. The Bills for being so bad this year. They'll have a great draft pick!
28. My phone. It's helped me do lots! Gotta love the Droid!
29. Our backyard/patio. We've had many great nights spent around the firepit...and many afternoons playing Frisbee with Molson. I can't wait until we get to play with our children in the backyard.
30. The mountains. Our annual trip to the mountains in the Fall is always fun. This year, we went to Grandfather Mountain with Molson. He enjoyed (not really) the mile-high swinging bridge!
31. Blackout curtains. I can't sleep if it's light in my room.
31. Air fresheners...I'm all about smelling good! My house must smell good, too.
32. Christmas decorations. They make me happy!
33. Christmas music....also makes me happy!
34. Starbucks
35. A good glass of red wine...or two....
36. Friends I don't really see anymore, but still love: Victoria, Sherrie, Emily...
37. Magazines. I have like 8 subscriptions. I really love them!
38. Reading books on my Kindle app on my phone.
39. Nicholas Sparks. See #38.
40. Tennis. As much as I hate it takes Matt away from me, he really enjoys it so I am thankful it makes him happy. Plus, he's a great coach.
41. Christmas in NY. Yes, it's bitter cold and snowy...but isn't that what Christmas should be?? Not 80 like it is in SC.
42. Family vacations.
43. Dog parks....when mean dogs aren't there.
44. Netflix.
45. SouthPark Mall in Charlotte.
46. Chocolate milk.
47. Palm trees.
48. Aloe plants in the kitchen for when I burn my finger(s).
49. Heated seats in the car.
50. Squeaky toys that keep Molson entertained.
51. Naps.
52. Napping AND cuddling.
53. Comfy socks (the fuzzy kind).
54. Chick-fil-A.
55. Taco Bell.
56. My mom's recipe box.
57. When Matt does the dishes. :)
58. Good neighbors! We are lucky to have that!
59. Old Navy and Target being so close to my house
60. Sleeping in....when Molson lets us.
61. Making a fire in the fireplace...and sitting in front of it with Matt.
62. Nights out in Uptown.
63. Howl at the Moon. (goes with #62)
64. Fantasy football leagues.
65. Having interns from Winthrop. I love their passion for teaching and how excited they are to be in the classroom. :)
66. Our "spare cash" jar....for just in case....
67. Savings accounts.
68. Not having many bills to pay. :)
69. Field trips. They are exhausting, but fun! And we get to wear jeans. :)
70. Smiley faces. :)
71. Mexican food.
72. Chocolate.
73. Pillows.
74. Dentists and doctors. Even though I don't really like going to either.
75. Plays and musicals. I get lost in them for the hour or two I'm watching. :) Love it.
76. The stain remover that came with our couch. It cleans carpet, too! Thank goodness!
77. Sweat pants and hoodies.
78. Our storage unit. God knows we need that thing!
79. The lake nearby....Molson loves it!
80. The annual Christmas Bunco's coming up!
81. Peanut Butter.
82. Summer break!
83. Fireworks
84. Hair color and my stylist who applies it and makes me look beautiful!
85. New Year's!
86. Vegas
87. birthdays
88. HGTV
89. Shutterfly
90. the excitement and anticipation on the first day of school
92. Pampered Chef items
93. sunsets
94. Reggae
95. the couch
96. diamonds :)
97. rainy days
98. DVR...when my husband doesn't accidentally erase everything on it!
99. warm North Face fleece jackets
100. having snowball fights in the freezing cold with my hubby

Monday, November 15, 2010

Matt's Yearly Update

So, I am deciding to take a moment to write a witty commentary that will surely be read by our multitude of readers, all 4 of them, Anyway, things are going well for me this year. I had a good class last year, but this year is probably going to end up being one of my ever. I have a class of 21 girls. It can be a lot of drama, but we've decided to be "drama-free" this year. The girls are totally buying everything I'm selling and it's making such a huge difference in their lives. I'm so excited that they are growing as friends and more importantly as learners.

The girls tennis team also did very well this year. We went 17-3 overall and won our region with an undefeated record of 10-0. Unfortunately we didn't win a state championship, but we made it to the upper state finals and finished in the top 4 of the state. It's great to see our tennis program doing so well. Our boys team is going to be in contention for a state championship this year as well.

So that is the news from me about the job and the extracurriculars. I am a happy camper this year and just trying to be the best teacher/coach that I can be every day because that's all I can do. I used to think I had to be perfect at both, but I'm starting to realize that I can't kill myself trying to do that, I just have to be the best that I can be. Some days I'm better, some days I'm not so good, but it will all work out in the end.

I'm also trying to be a good husband and "dad" now as we are now parents of a awful dog. He is much loved and I'm super attached to him, but he is soooooo bad. I can't believe how he just doesn't listen. It's preparing us for kids though and the more you talk to Amy, the closer that day is coming. Yikes! I'm pretty sure I'll be a good dad and I know for absolutely 100% sure that the wifey will be a most amazing mom, so it's ok if we take that plunge soon, I think!!!! I will be freaked out, but it is going to happen eventually.

Now for that great wife of mine. I am still very excited to be married to the best thing that's happened to me. She has had a rough year so far, but it's making her stronger in some way, I just know it. We are going through opposite ends of the spectrum this year, but I'm sure I'll be there at some point. I know she will be there for me just as much as I've been there for her this year. She is going to be coming up on the 1 year anniversary of her mom's death and I know it will be difficult. I'm going to be there making her think about puppy dogs, ice cream, rainbows, and any other happy thought that we can think of. It will be OK, we can get through it. Might be some tears shed, but I'll have the tissues ready. I love her more everyday and can't wait to go through everything life has to through at us.

That's it for me. I will write again next year!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Mountain Trip 2010

We visited Grandfather Mountain and Blowing Rock. Molson didn't really enjoy the 2+ hour drive there....and then 2+ hours back home, but he did enjoy the mountains!
He was VERY scared of the mile-high swinging bridge!! (So was Matt!)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Lake time

We visited the lake Sunday on a beautiful Fall day. It was Molson's first trip to the lake. He really enjoyed it!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Surgery Update

Just a quick update. I developed an infection from the surgery. The OB-GYN said that they had to go so deep to remove the entire cyst and Bartholin gland, that infection was pretty likely. I've battled a fever of 100 or more since Monday, and I'm really just exhausted. I'm not as sore, but I have to walk slowly and sit carefully. I carried a pillow to the cafeteria today! The kids really didn't understand why I was doing that, and then they wanted to do it, too! The benches are very hard! Probably shouldn't have worked today, but they don't hand out sick days like gum around here.
I visited the doctor today, and she said to continue pain pills as needed and prescribed me 2 new antibiotics. She seemed optimistic that it would all clear up within the next few days. I have a follow-up next Friday, and another in 2 weeks.
I'm really hoping the infection goes away. My life has GOT to get back to normal, or some semblance of normal SOON.

Thanks goes out to the best nurse in the world, my awesome hubby, Matt! Love you!

Friday, October 8, 2010


A couple of years ago, I noticed that something had "popped" up. My brain immediately spins and wonders "do I have cancer?" " am I gonna die?!" It was just a Bartholin cyst. Something a lot of women get over their lifetime. I went to my OB-GYN and had it looked at. She treated it with antibiotics, but the stubborn thing didn't go away. So, I went back and had it drained. Ouch! Again, a few weeks later, the stubborn thing came back! Frustrated, I went back and had it drained again. This time, it went away for about a month and returned again. Now, I realize I'm stubborn....but goodness! This thing was worse than me! (Unimaginable, right?)

So, I tried to forget it was even there. It wasn't hurting me, so I ignored it. Months went by and it actually almost became a normality. It was just there. Hanging' out. I was dealing with my mom's illness and death so I honestly just put it on the backburner for a while. Eventually, things in my life settled down, and the conversations between Matt and I led to when we wanted to start a family together. I knew that I needed to talk with my OB-GYN about the cyst and having it surgically removed so the stubborn thing couldn't come back.

I went in September to discuss it and set up surgery. She informed me I'd be out of work for several days and that I'd be in SEVERE pain. I blew it off and was like, "oh, pain's fine....just get it off me!"

Last night, before my surgery this morning, I was laying in bed letting my mind wander. I had been in a bad mood all afternoon and evening. I couldn't figure out why. Then it hit me. I really needed my mom. I needed to hear her reassure me that I'd do fine and everything was going to be ok. I'd heard this from nearly every friend or family member I'd talked about the surgery with, but it just isn't the same. There are times where only MOM will do. I broke down and was sobbing.....Matt just hugged me. He didn't speak or ask what was wrong. He didn't have to because he knew. That's where I feel I'm the luckiest girl in the world. God took my mother from me, but in return he gave me the best thing that has ever happened to me. I count my blessings every day.

This morning, as we got up at 4:30, I was nervous. I didn't know how I'd react to the anesthesia or how much pain I'd be in. I was scared. I closed my eyes and thought about what my mom would say, because she would've made me call her on the way to the doubt. As we drove up, most of my fears were gone. I just wanted to get it over with.

Several hours later, I was in recovery all hocked up on anesthesia and morphine with Matt by my side. The doctor said I did well, and that I'll need to take it easy for several days.

I am so fortunate to have such caring friends and family. I also am extremely fortunate to have Matt as my husband. He's the best nurse ever!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Isn't it weird that....??

I have had moments over the last 9 months of my life where all I wanted to do was pick up the phone and call my mom. There's been days of joy, and days of disappointment....and nobody to call. I say nobody, but I have some awesome friends in my life...I really do. It's just not the same as calling home to MOM. Everything I am, I am because of my mother. I do, however, find it interesting that my Dad has taken an even more important role in my life over the last few months. We were always close, don't get me wrong, but our bond has changed. It's much stronger. To the point where we usually end up calling each other at the same exact time. It's happened many times over the past few months, and NEVER before my Mom passed away.
Weird, huh?!
Just a couple of weeks ago, my phone rang on a day where everything, and I do mean everything, was going completely wrong. 100% WRONG. On the other end was my Dad. Talking to him was therapeutic. I needed it. It helped me get through it. I didn't even share with him that I was having a bad day. He already knew it.

Then, there was today. I started to feel bad over the weekend, and yesterday began running a fever. I was expecting this since I get it EVERY September. Sinus problems, Upper Resp. Infections...etc. I decided that I'd work a half day and make a doctor's appointment for the afternoon. So, after my doctor's visit I went home and tried to relax. Molson didn't quite let me. So, I gave up on that. I did some school work, and really didn't feel well. Matt was at tennis. Ashley had left to go out for a friend's birthday celebration....and there I was feeling blah. The phone rings....yep, it's Dad. It's just like he knew. Weird. He definitely lifted my spirits. question our bond stronger?? I don't just think so. I know so. And I am SO thankful for that!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Molson and the worm

He couldn't figure out what this was....and he really wanted a friend to play with!! Enjoy!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

8 months...

It's really hard to believe that it's been 8 months since I lost my mother. It is true when they say "life goes on"..... it just goes on differently. I still have bills to pay, errands to run, children to teach, laundry to do, and fun events to attend.....but it's not quite the same. I often find myself longing to call my mom and talk to her. Just hear her voice. Many times, I find myself giggling over something she and I shared a laugh about. Then the giggles quickly turn to tears as I remember that she's gone. Then there's the times I need her advice. The advice only a mother can give. I almost feel lost some days. If it weren't for a strong support system of friends, family, and especially my wonderful husband, Matt, I'm not sure I would've made it through the last 8 months. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about my mom, and there won't be one for the rest of my life. Those of you that still have your mom in your life: CHERISH HER. Call her. Tell her you love her. Spend time with her. Make new memories and relive the past memories. Don't let time get away from you, because you never know when she'll be taken from you.
I miss you and love you, mom. You were my very best friend.

Never Alone by Rodney Belcher

I feel you in the morning
When at first I awake.
Your thought is with me
With each decision I make.

You'd been around forever
Since the first breath I took.
Now I have to go on alone
But for love, I need not look.
Cause by what you bestowed
In our short time together
Will last in my heart
Forever and ever.

Although you've left
And now walk above
I'm never alone.
I'm wrapped in your love.
Enjoy now your long waited reward.
Feel peace that your love continues on.
What was taught to me,
will be taught to mine
Cause you live on in me even after you've gone

Monday, August 9, 2010

Molson...2 weeks later :)

He had his first trip to the Vet today and he did a great job! He was very brave when he got his shots and loved the Vet! We're proud parents!! He's 14 lbs. and growing!

We love our crazy puppy!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Molson....1 week later

Molson Rohring, 15 weeks and 13 lbs.
He's still the cutest puppy ever....but he's starting to chew on everything!

Yes, we've tried all the tricks in the book, but he's still chewing away.
Oh well....let's hope our rugs, furniture, toes, shoes, and clothes make it out of this stage ok. Here's some new photos of our precious little puppy!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Molson--the cutest puppy ever!

Meet our new Boykin Spaniel puppy, Molson. He's 14 weeks old and is adorable! The only drawback about him is that he gets carsick....even on short trips. We love our new family member!

Isn't he just precious?! We're in the grueling process of housebreaking him. We're also crate training him.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Honeymoon in Paradise

Our day-by-day replay......

Sunday, 6/27: We were pretty bummed that we had to leave Key West, but we knew that in 24 hours we'd be on a ship heading to the Bahamas...not too bad. It was Matt's birthday and we were enjoying the beautiful drive through the Keys. We stopped at Bahia Honda State Park (below).

We arrived in Miami around 4:30. We checked into our hotel in South Beach and told them it was the start of our honeymoon so they UPGRADED us to a SUITE for the night!! It was rather large! :) We started the night by walking on the beach and then went out to celebrate Matt's birthday with a nice dinner. We ate at an amazing Italian restaurant! Dinner was perfect, and our honeymoon was off to a fabulous start.

Monday, 6/28: Cruise ship, here come the ROHRINGS!! We boarded around 1 p.m. and hung out by the pool until 2:00. We got to our room, unpacked, ate the strawberries and drank the champagne that was waiting for us, and returned to the pool deck to watch the embarkation party. We left Miami around 5:45 and began sailing towards Freeport, Grand Bahama Island. We heard there was Bingo going on, and wanted to see what it was all about. We had a lot of fun, and almost won some money! We spent the night exploring the ship, playing ping pong, and relaxing in the hot tub.

Tuesday, 6/29: Freeport, Grand Bahama Island We booked a snorkeling and deserted island excursion for the day. It started with a quick trip to the straw market to browse the local Bahamian merchandise, then we boarded a bus for Port Lucaya. Once there, we got on a boat that would take us on an hour trip to the deserted island. This was Matt's first snorkeling experience. (He didn't enjoy it and won't be doing it agian!) Amy thoroughly enjoyed seeing all the beautiful fish and reef!! AMAZING! We then spent a couple of hours on the absolutely breathtaking deserted island that is also a Bahamian National Park (picture below). Lunch was provided and the captain of the boat showed us how they harvest conch (an island favorite). They made conch salad and let us sample it. It was a beautiful day in the sun!!!

That afternoon, we had a Cake and Champagne party for newlyweds where we met our new friends from Denver, Kevin & Brittany. We talked them into doing the pub crawl with us on Wednesday night (more on that later!) and hung out with them for a couple of hours chatting away. We ended our night by eating LOTS in the buffet, watching the comedian on the ship, and hitting up the casino!

Wednesday, 6/30: Nassau We met up with Kevin and Brittany in the morning and waited in line to board the bus for Atlantis. We had a quick (15 min.) bus ride to the resort, and then a 20 minute tour of the resort before we went off to explore on our own. We rode the river rapids the very first thing. It was a lot of fun and very refreshing as it was already really HOT out! We then took a dip in the lagoon and walked through the aquarium. We made our way to the snack bar for some lunch and then had one of the best naps EVER by the main pool. After napping, we walked to the lazy river and then made our way to the beach. Atlantis is amazing and very, very big! Amy made some great souvenir purchases before heading back to the bus to the cruise ship. We were very tired so we took a quick nap when we returned. Dinner was buffet again tonight because the pub crawl and white hot party were later.

The pub crawl started with a bang! Kevin and Brittany joined us for the fun. We had 5 drinks, 5 bars in 50 minutes.....OH MY!! It was a blast and we were SUPER loud going through the ship! It reminded us all of college!! Such good times! (see pictures) The last stop lead us into the white hot party where the girls danced on stage for hours! What a fun night!!

Oh....and the Gamecocks won the College Word Series today!!!! YA-HOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! :-)

Thursday, 7/1: Great Stirrup Cay (NCL's private island) We scheduled a couple's massage on the beach for 10:00. It. was. BLISS. Amazing!! We highly recommed a beach massage!! After the massage, we rented a float and used it to float around in the crystal clear water for a couple of hours. Lunch was buffet style...and we ate a couple of times (lol!) before heading back to the ship around 4:00. We were sad it was our last night, but we'd scheduled a very nice dinner the the french restaurant, Le Bistro for 7:00. We played Bingo one more time at 5:00, and went to change for dinner. It was SOOOO good, and we had an amazing view! We got drinks at the Outrigger Lounge on the 11th floor of the ship and watched lightening off in the distance from the front of the ship. We took in the sea air one last time.....

Friday, 7/2: Good-bye, Norweigan Sky!!! We ate breakfast and checked out early. It was sprinkling as we left the doubt sad that the awesome Bahamas trip was over.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Mr. and Mrs. ...... YAY!!!

Mr. and Mrs. Rohring

We got married in Key West on Friday, June 25 at 7:30 p.m. on Smathers Beach. The ceremoney was absolutely B-E-A-UTIFUL! We were surrounded by 24 of our closest relatives and friends. It was quite windy on the beach, but that didn't stop us from saying our I DO's!

Amy's viewpoint: I was anticipating this moment from the time Matt proposed. I could not wait to become his wife because he is the most important thing in my life. I love him so much. As the day wore on, I got more and more anxious. Della, my matron of honor, was by my side as we got mani/pedi's and relaxed in the hotel room. She comforted me and reminded me how great it was going to be as we got our hair and makeup done in the room. Finally, the time came to put on the dress. She and another friend, Tina, helped me get into my dress...yes, it took 2 people to get me in!!! After it was on, we rode to the location and I saw my dad. He looked so nice and seemed very happy! The first thing I said to him was "Have you seen Matt? How is he doing?" He laughed and said "He's nervous!" I heard the steel drums and saw Della start down the beach. I got butterflies in my stomach as I took the first steps....and then, there he was. I could not wipe the grin off my face. It stayed the entire ceremony!! It's all a blur, but the most important thing is that I married the love of my life, my best friend, and my favorite person in the world.

Matt's viewpoint: It went by way too fast! That's my viewpoint. All of the anticipation leading up to this most important day of my life made me a little nervous, not going to lie and say I wasn't, but it turned out to by even more amazing than I had imagined! The day was filled with a lot of little things that I had to get done to make sure everything went well that night, but it wasn't enough! I needed to keep busy at every waking moment to try to make time go by faster. It was fun getting ready and doing all the prep work, but the whole day, I just wanted to see Amy. I asked everyone that saw her how she was doing and it made me so angry that I couldn't talk to her or see her! I was at the pool with my best man John and his wife Tina and I knew she was up in our hotel room getting ready. I kept on looking up there hoping to get a glimpse. Didn't get to see her that day, but at about 7:45 that night when I saw her walking on to the beach, it was well worth the wait. She was the most beautiful bride I had ever seen! Not just in real life, but in magazines, movies, TV, it was amazing to see how incredible her dress, hair, everything turned out. Well beyond my expectations. Luckily I had gotten all of my tears out the night before when I had a little moment to myself because I would have cried like a baby when I saw her! I was so lucky to be marrying my best friend and an amazing person. The ceremony was a complete blur, but the pictures were really great, so I'm glad it went well! Really though, it was a very memorable moment for us and everyone there. I couldn't have been happier. I think my cheeseball smile in all the pictures explains my happiness!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

All the things this year has brought....

So, with our wedding quickly approaching, we've decided to add yet another stressful (but good) thing to our life....becoming homeowners.

We found a VERY charming 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house in a new neighborhood. The location is PERFECT and better yet, the house needs NOTHING done to it! The paint colors are perfect for us, and it's only 2 years upgrades or anything needed yet. Plus, it has a fenced-in back yard that backs up to the woods---PRIVACY!

We are beyond excited!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Thoughts of Buffalo from a homesick Matt......

"I'm from Buffalo.

We eat chicken wings, not buffalo wings.
Jack Kemp is a quarterback, not a politician.

We drink Labatt Blue and love it.
Mighty Taco always has preference over Taco Bell.

Pop, not soda and Pepsi, not Coke.
They are sneakers not tennis shoes.
It's a sucker, not a lollipop.
Bison Chip Dip,

La Nova Pizzeria,

Aunt Rosie's Loganberry,

Chiavetta's Chicken,

and Ted's Hot Dogs are all too familiar...

not to forget Anderson's Shakes.

A fake ID is unnecessary when there is always Canada... but we have them anyway.
Our bars don't close until 4:00 A.M.,

and we DO sell beer in a grocery store (Tops or Wegmans ), which always makes for early starts and late nights.
Jim's Steak Out at 4 in the morning is calling it an early night...
We never cuss, but we swear entirely too much.
We know that a 65 mph speed limit really means 80. We will cut you off, swear, and give you the finger if you are not keeping up AND do it all in the snow, while expecting nothing less from you in return.
Driving in the snow not only comes naturally, it is fun.
We start the weekends off right at Thursdays in the square enjoying beer,

free music, and an interesting crowd.
We lived through Wide Right, The Forward Lateral, and No Goal.

Dubbed by Dan Marino as 'the meanest fans because none of us actually wanted to live here'... we all know he couldn't survive one winter up here.
We love the Bills (no matter what) and accept that it takes 2 hours to get home from a game.
Nothing closes in 3 feet of snow or -20 wind chills... in fact, that's how we prefer to tailgate.

The 2001 Christmas Storm that dumped nearly 7 ft of lake effect snow we still think it's a mere 2nd to The Blizzard of '77. We can correctly pronounce, spell, and identify Chippewa, Scajaquada,Lackawanna, Cheektowaga, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Olean and Tonawanda without hesitation. When giving direction it's not "take I-90 to Route 33 east" it's "take the 90 to the 33 east"..."the" is not an option. We are 30 minutes from another country, one of the seven wonders of the world, and even a few beaches. It's the second largest city in New York. I AM FROM BUFFALO, a beer drinking town with a Big sports problem, and damn proud!"

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Save the Date

June 25, 2010 in Key West, Florida.....
That's our date!! We are so excited we can hardly wait! Our wedding will be at 7:30 (sunset) on Smathers Beach. We have picked out Save the Date cards, wedding invitations, a steel drumer for the ceremony and reception, and we've chosen our attendants: Della (matron of honor) and John (best man).
Here are some engagement photos.

These were taken at Falls Park in Greenville, SC. My brother, Kevin, was the amazing photographer.